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The 7-Steps of Hedge Care you Need to Know this Summer

As not the go-to Tree Surgeon in Horsham but groundskeeping professionals, DG Tree Services know that well maintained hedges can give a home-owner privacy, security and a good boundary to your garden but without care and regular trimming it can soon lose shape and become wildly over-grown. Your formal evergreen hedges, for instance, should be trimmed two-to-three times a year whilst in their period of greatest growing.  Fast-growing Conifer hedges such as Leyandii need particular attention or can very quickly become overgrown in their place location.


Here are 7 additional steps you can take from DG Tree Services about what you can do to provide proper care to your homes hedges.


1. Water during dry periods - Somewhat of a given, but when rainfall is overtaken by dry spells, you should provide some sustenance to the hedge root yourself to ensure it is healthy through the heat.


2. Feed mid summer - a good bed of compost at the foot of the hedge can set it up well for the leaner months of autumn and winter.


3. Trim spring or autumn - Any new growths that aren’t going to or haven’t properly sprouted, or excess taking up too much of the sunlight or nutrients need to be trimmed back for the health of the whole hedge.


4. Be wary of any peculiarities such - as discolouration - with the stem, trunk, branches or leaves to pre-empt any infection of the hedge.


5. If cutting conifers, trim by the natural contour of the hedge


6. Cutting the side of conifers too hard leads to sun and wind scorching causing leaf needles to go brown and die.


7. If cutting an old Beech or Privet hedge – do it in stages with a break in between i.e. hard cut top down and do the sides next year (less of a shock to an elderly hedge)


If you are not sure you can take these steps, you dont have the tools or feel you are not fit for the job then contact DG Tree Services in Dorking.  Our professional tree surgeons provide you with a free no obligation quote, and provide tree surgeon Guildford and beyond. For more information you can visit at: